Inclusion Pathways

P.O. Box 236498
Baghdad Street
Al Qusais, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Inclusion & Learning Support at Capital School
Capital School follows the guidance provided by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in the form of its latest publication Directives and Guidelines for Inclusive Education (https://www.khda.gov.ae/en/publications/article?id=10258).
We pride ourselves on providing a safe and nurturing environment so that all students receive equitable access to a high-quality education in the mainstream environment, alongside their peers.
These specialist programmes include
Early intervention work, undertaken in partnership with parents and external agencies, if required
Careful monitoring and tracking of students to identify areas where tailored support may be required to ensure positive outcomes, enabling students to optimise the progress they make, irrespective of their individual needs
Working closely with specialists, such as educational psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and others, as needed
Collaborating with teachers for in class academic extension and learning support, as well as other additional assistance to help students reach their full potential.
Value student differences as integral to society and the inclusive school community
Recognise the learning potential of all students
Acknowledge that students have the right to education in an inclusive learning environment
Recognise our part in the identification process
Value the input of parents and strive to build partnerships with the home for the benefit of the student
Use learning methods that support child-centered and differentiated approaches to teaching and learning
Remove barriers to learning for individual students, by adapting the curriculum and manifesting new learning strategies
Reject the idea that some learners cannot learn due to individual deficits
Inclusion Department
The Inclusion Team is led by the Inclusion Manager. As KHDA expects, we also have an Inclusion Champion and a wealth of expertise in this field on the Governing Body. We have specialist teachers and Learning Support Assistants.
The team works with individual classroom teachers and other educational personnel, to fulfil the following objectives:
To create an effective climate for learning by sharing all available information about a child’s challenges that are relevant to the child’s learning and development
To facilitate each student’s academic progress, as well as their personal and social development, by establishing appropriate goals and providing instruction
To provide and implement programmes as agreed through the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) writing process and Learner Profiles
To encourage students to be aware of their strengths and challenges, so that they can become good advocates for themselves in all settings
To liaise with external agencies to ensure that students have access to specialist services when required
Inclusion Support Team
The Inclusion Governor is Christine Simmonds
The Inclusion Champion is Daniel Sutton
The Head of Inclusion is Abigail Nicholas